
Showing posts from January, 2022

Factors That Make Tag Rugby A Good Sport For Your Kid

  One of the most notable aspects of Tag Rugby is that it is a fast-moving and exciting game like the rugby game that you may have grown up with, but it is devoid of body contact. So, you can teach this sport to your kid and also let him go to the field to play with friends. Parents grow this confidence simply because this is a non-contact game. This is why this sport can be taught at the junior level. This can help young players develop specific rugby skills. It encourages running and handling skills while children are enjoying among themselves. Let’s take a look at the benefits of participating in  tag rugby leagues .    1. Open To All   Tag Rugby is open to all regardless of gender or ability. It does not discriminate against players based on size, age, or experience. So, gals and guys looking for a fast-moving and exciting sport without the dangers of body contact can enjoy games of  tag rugby Ireland .    2. Great For Beginners ...